Want to Ref?

Want to Ref?

The first step to becoming a soccer referee is to consider it and actually investigate how to become one. Refereeing can be any/all of the following for someone looking to become a referee:
  • A way to give back to the "Beautiful Game" that we all love;
  • An excellent way to stay in shape;
  • A part-time job with excellent money-making opportunities;
  • A way to be directly involved in some great soccer matches;
  • An opportunity to learn great life skills like organization, time management and people skills; and
  • Depending on skills and interest, the potential to advance to become a regional, provincial or even national-level referee!

It is a two step-process to become a certified soccer referee in Saskatchewan:
  1. You need to complete an (online) theory component on the FIFA Laws of the Game. The one you do depends on your age. For those aged 14+, the online course is done through the Canada Soccer Association's (CSA) SmarterU course. For those age 12-13, the online portion is done through the Saskatchewan Soccer Association (SSA) through their Google Classroom.  You can find more information here at the SSA website here on how to sign up for the online theory component depending on your age: (https://www.sasksoccer.com/content/referee-courses#Online%20Component); and
  2. You must take a Saskatchewan Soccer Association (SSA) sanctioned entry-level (practical) refereeing course.  The Regina Soccer Referees Association (RSRA) generally offers two entry-level clinic annually: one in the fall prior to the indoor season and another in the spring prior to the outdoor season. 

Please contact the RSRA's Treasurer, Shaun Augustin, at treasurer@rsra.ca for more information on the upcoming times for the RSRA's next clinics. Other member associations of the SSA also host entry-level referee clinics throughout the province.  Individuals interested in taking an entry-level clinic sooner may also look at the SSA website here for an upcoming clinic.  

Below you will find some answers to common questions asked by new referees.


How Old Do I Have to Be?

The RSRA has two in-person clinics for referees. They are based on the following age groups:

Entry-Level Clinic (ages 14+). The Entry-Level Clinic is geared towards participants age 14+. Note: Entry-Level Clinic applicants must be 14 when they do the CSA's SmarterU online component. 

Small-Sided Clinic (ages 12-13). The Small-Sided Clinic is aimed at younger referees who will be restricted to U7 and U9 "small-sided" games. The RSRA restricts the amount of Small-Sided Clinics it offers because there aren't enough games U7 and U9 games offered to have a large supply of small-sided referees.  Individuals wanting to take this type of clinic may look at the SSA's website to see if other SSA member associations are offering small-sided entry level clinics.


Can I Referee If I Don't Complete the Online Theory Component or the In-Person Clinic?

No. New referees must complete both the online theory component and the (practical) entry-level or small-sided clinic (usually hosted in person). The first part ensures you understand the Laws of the Game.  The second part teaches you the basic application of the Laws including basic positioning, how to use flags, etc.


Can I Referee Any Game I Want Once I Complete the Online Theory Component or Entry-Level Clinic?

No. It is also worth highlighting the general process for a new referee after they have taken the entry-level clinic.  Referees learn most of the required knowledge, mechanics, etc. by actually refereeing games.  New referees coming out of the entry-level clinic need support to learn all of the details required to become a good referee.  As such, new referees will be assigned lower-age youth games where they will be mentored by experienced referees.   

How quickly a referee advances to take higher-age youth games and/or adult games will depend on their age, skill level, interest in doing games, etc.  It is important to note there is not a 'typical' timeline for someone to advance as each individual progresses at their own pace.  However, for an adult referee, it takes to approximately two to four years to become a top 'district' (i.e. local) referee while advancing to a regional or provincial level referee will usually take several years more. 

The key point here is that new referees require the time and patience to gain the experience needed to learn their craft and become a successful referee!


How Much Does the Online Theory Component or Entry-Level Clinic Cost to Take?

The CSA charges a fee to take the SmarterU course for the Entry Level Clinic. The SSA does not charge a fee to take the Google Classroom for the Small-Sided Clinic. There is a charge for the Entry-Level Clinic or the Small-Sided Clinic. It varies depending on the costs of the facilities used. The SSA also has an annual fee for referees that ranges from $40 (ages 12-13), $45 (ages 14-15) or $80 (aged 16+) for "district" local referees.  Regional, provincial and national referees pay different fees to the SSA/CSA.

Initial costs for Small-Sided Clinic participants (ages 12-13) become a referee can range from $150-$200 (not including uniforms and equipment). For Entry-Level Clinic participants (age 14+), the initial cost is expected to range from $200-$300 (not including uniforms and equipment).


How Much Can I Make? What Do I Get Paid? When Do I Get Paid?

Game rates vary by age group and by assignment type (Head Referee vs Assistant Referees). The lowest game rates are between $13-$20 per game assignment at the youngest age categories while the game rates for the highest adult head referee assignments are upwards of $60 per game. Most game rates range from $20 to $40 per game.

How much a referee can make will depend on how many games they are willing to do and are capable of doing. Please note that new referees will not typically get a lot of assignments right out of the entry-level clinic because they are not experienced enough to do the higher-level games. New referees need to be mentored and do well in their assignments to progress (i.e. increase in levels) to get access to higher-level matches.  Again, this takes time (usually years) to advance to a top district level referee (or higher).

The RSRA pays referees on a monthly basis.  However, it should be noted there is about a 2-week delay to receive payment after the end of the month. The RSRA also charges a 10% administration fee on all game fees earned.  The administration fee pays for the operational costs of the RSRA.

For example, Referee A completes 10 games in October earning $200 in game fees.  The RSRA processes cheques for all referees completing October games in mid-November. The RSRA uses electronic funds transfer (EFT) to electronically pay its referees but cheques can be made available for pickup.

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