Game Cancellations

Game Cancellations

In the outdoor season, during the weekdays, the City of Regina posts if fields/diamonds are open to the public by 3 p.m.  Games are only to proceed if the City instructs to proceed.  However, the weather does change after 3 p.m. and/or on weekends (when the City does not post any updates on the status of fields).  Please note that nothing has to be sent into the RSA if the City pulls the permits via the notification on their website.

At the field, it is the responsibility of the Head Referee (HR) to make a decision to proceed with the game or not.  If you have to cancel your game due to wet field conditions (e.g. weather related, lightning, etc.), prior to the first half of the game being completed, please record this on the game sheet. FC Regina or Queen City need this information otherwise they won't know to reschedule the game (again, please note this only applies if the game never starts or if you have to cancel your game in the first half).

The HR must still send in a game sheet to FC Regina as well (  Make sure to include all the pertinent game information on the game sheet (or in your email) like the time of cancellation, reason, etc. (if only an e-mail sent, then include other information like the date, time, field, etc.).  Additionally, if you have to shorten your game in the second half for any reason, please make the proper notes on the game sheet before sending it in. 

Note: the following payments will be made for cancelled games:
  • Game cancelled by the City (by pulling field permit): No game fee paid
  • Game abandoned by the HR before game starts: $10 fee for each referee
  • Game abandoned during the 1st Half of the game: 1/2 the game fee for each referee
  • Game abandoned during the 2nd half of the game: Full game fee for each referee
Please contact the RSRA Treasurer (Shaun Augustin at if you have any questions.  The City's field status website can be found below:

City of Regina Athletic and Ball Diamond Status Update

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